Almay Simply American Tour Supporting the USO Wraps Up in Texas

A participant gets her makeup done inside the Almay bus. Photo courtesy Almay

A participant gets her makeup done inside the Almay Simply American tour bus. Photo courtesy Almay

Almay wrapped up its nationwide Simply American road trip earlier this month after spending the summer celebrating female service members, military wives and their families.

Visitors to each fair and tour stop had the chance to win samples, buy products and even receive a free makeover inside the Almay Simply American tour bus. Almay handed out over 53,698 samples and gave 5,362 makeovers during the tour.

“As a brand we feel incredibly proud to be sponsoring the USO and partnering with them and raising money,” Almay Vice President of Marketing Jill Krakowski said at the second-to-last tour stop in Fort Hood, Texas.

Patrons also had the chance to take photos and share them on social media with the #SimplyAmerican hashtag.

In total, Almay donated $252,452 to the USO through its Simply American campaign.

“When they come off the bus and they’re made over … and then there’s the American pride component … it’s memorialized [with the photo and hashtag],” Krakowski said. “And its kind of a really cool way to activate and engage people.”

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